Athlete Welfare
Clean Sport for Humans
The FEI is part of a collaborative worldwide movement for doping-free sport led by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The aim of this movement is to protect fair competition as well as athlete health and welfare. But, this is not only applicable to the FEI disciplines, it is also applicable to all the other equestrian disciplines.
If you are an FEI athlete, or an athlete in any of the other disciplines, you have a role to play in the fight against doping, just like the athletes in any other sport. All athletes must be part of the Drug Free Sports drive in the world.
Substance abuse and anti-doping rule violations can also result from ignorance, so take action today to protect your health and your career:
Go to the links below and make sure you understand it.
Also, ensure that any medication you may be using do not fall in the banned categories.
Do an online medication check